Thursday, December 11, 2008

Califlower and Edamame with Mint and Ginger

I wanted to finish the mint leaves leftover from making the salad.
You need
Mint Leaves - 8 or 9 Washed
Ginger - an inch piece, peeled and chopped
Grind them both to a fine paste, add 1/4 cup water...
To Make the Subji
Canola Oil - 1 Teaspoon
Jeera - 1 Teaspoon
Cauliflower - 1, cut in flowers
Frozen Edamame - About 1 and 1/2 cups
Salt - as needed
---> In a Pan, add the oil on a medium fire and then add the jeera
---> Once it sizzles, add the mint and ginger paste you made
--->Then add the cauliflower and kind of coat the mint mixture all over, so that all of the pieces get the mint on them
---> Now add the Edamame
---> Cover and cook, make sure the water is always there otherwide it will get burnt
--->Once the water is all evaporated, the cauliflower and the edamame should be cooked, turn the stove off and add some salt to taste.

[If you want, you can add some chili powder or green chillies to make it spicier.]
I served this with Rotis and Sprouted Mung and Masoor Dal.


  1. happy new year!! that sounds really creative! i'm totally going to try it!

  2. Hi,

    Everytime I feel a loss of appetite , I read your blog, and start feeling hungry again!

    I have a request: I have a lot of chickpeas at home. I am bored of Chole and dont feel like eating hummus.Anythign new dish I can make with chickpeas? Thanks- Rama
